Scrapbook Page for Marie Antoinette Magdalena Dupont de Lorme
Widow Samory
June 18, 1857 New Orleans Daily Crescent
Second District Court of New Orleans Succession of Marie Antoinette Dupont DeLorme, widow of C. Samory - No. 11,050 NOTICE is hereby given to the creditors of this estate, and to all other persons herein interested, to they have or can, why the account prsented by the testamentary executor of this estate should not be hmomlogated and approved, the funds distributed in accordance therewith. By order of the court J12 17 22.
Marie Antionnete Dupon Obituary
New Orleans Daily Pcayune November 8, 1856 P. 2, C. 4
235 Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana
Death Certificate Marie Dupont
Louisiana Biography and Obituary Index Marie Dupont Samory