Scrapbook Page for Adrien Cassard Petitpain

Oct 18, 1911 Naval Malitia card picture

Passenger record, Ellis Island Dec 10, 1917

Ship of Travel: Brazos

Draft Card, Adrien Cassard Petitpain picture

1925 New York State Census Records Adrien Cassard Petitpain


Handwritten Registration Card from New York picture

Nov 1929 arriving from Puerto Rico to New York, line #12 picture

2 Nov 1930 Brownsville Herald

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Petitpain and two children, Catherine and A.C. Jr., are vititing Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bolado. They expect to be here for several days and will visit in Los Indios before returning to their homes in New York. Mr. Petitpain is the son of the late Louis N. Petitpain, well known businessman and first cashier of the First National Bank.