Scrapbook Page for LTC Robert Scott Lytle Sr.

The Washington Times 26 April 1912

Robert Scott Lytle is one of the best-known young men of Washington. He gained great popularity as one of the mainstays of Central High School's Football team. He graduated from Central in 1906. Later he attended the University of Pennsylvania, and last year took a post-graduate course in literature at Tome Institute. Lytle is the son of the late Robert S. Lytle and was born in Washington, August 12, 1887.

The Houston Post 8 Nov 1917 picture

28 Oct 1917 Laredo Weekly Times

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gallagher announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Isabel, to Roebert Scott Lyelt, Captain United States Army, Thursday, October 25th, 1917, San Antonio, Texas.


October 2-3, 1918 - Capt. Robert S. Lytle in France during World War I

Navy Distingueshed Service Medal picture

WWI Victory Medal

Capt. Robert S. Lytle

reverse side Victory Ribbon picture

Edge with egraving Capt Robert S Lytle and Aviation Wings picture

Side view Capt. Robert S. Lytle USMC picture

History of the USCM WWI

Attention to Fliers during WWi


Capt Robert S Lytle