US Census Records H. Petitpain Line #26 330 Dumaine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana |
Louisiana 1856 |
H. Petitpain Co e, 2 Regt, 2 Brig.., 1 Div, Lousiana Militia 3 Lieutenant |
H. Petitpain 2 Reg't, 2 Brig., 1 Div, La. Militia |
"The St. Charles Stabbing Affair" New Orleans Crescent January 15, 1856 Morning Edition. |
Article St. Charles Stabbing Affair New Orleans Daily Crescent January 15, 1856 |
3 September 1848 Shooting of Commissary Lauge by Hypolite Petitpain |
14 May 1873 H Petitpain Charged with Robbery |
New Orleans daily crescent., January 18, 1856 | [Document] |
Times-Picayune 12 Jun 1882 Obituary Hypolite Petitpain |
Obituary Hypolite Petitpain DIED. PETITPAIN – Sunday, June 11, 1882, at 8:30 a.m., HYPOLITE PETITPAIN, aged 60 years, a native of Charleston S.C. His friends and acquaintances, and those of the Petitpain, Samory and Leonce Fazende families are requested to attend his funeral, This Morning at 10 o’clock, from his late residence St. Ann street, between Derbigny and Roman. Houston, Brownsville and San Antonio (Texas) papers please copy. |
[Document] |
Death Certificate Francois Hypolite Petitpain (SC) |
Wikepdia explination on cause of death |